Covid-19 and Our Business

Due to the increasing impact and concern about COVID-19, we are taking measures to prioritise the health and safety of our staff and our customers.

  • Our staff have been directed not attend work if feeling unwell and provide to a medical certificate upon their return to work.
  • Our staff have been fully briefed on undertaking correct hyegine procedures and are required to practice these on a regular basis throughout the day.
  • We have adopted a no hand shake policy with customers and suppliers and all staff are restricting physical contact and working within close proximity to colleagues and customers.
  • Our offices, showroom and facilities are regularly cleaned. Specifically, our showroom surfaces, including all handles, rails and samples are cleaned after each visitor leaves.
  • All hand tools and machinery are disinfected daily in our workshop and on site where possible.
  • Anti-bacterial rub is available to all our staff and customers.

We do ask that any customer interested in visiting our showroom or requesting a site visit from us, advise us if they are experiencing flu like symptoms.  There are measures we can take to ensure we can still provide you with a quote and our usual standard of customer service.

Our suppliers have confirmed we will not experience any supply chain issues.